Things Happening at the SCGS Jamboree – Day Three

The Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree will take place on June 8, June 9, and June 10 of 2012. There will also be a Pre-Event day on June 7, 2012. This one will be the forty-third annual SCGS Jamboree. There will be plenty of things happening on Day Three of the event. I picked out a few that I thought sounded really interesting. The SCGS has posted a schedule that shows you details about all of the things that will be happening on Day Three of the event. There could be changes to that schedule between now, and in June, … Continue reading

Things Happening at the SCGS Jamboree – Day Two

This year, the forty-third annual Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree will take place on June 8, June 9, and June 10. There will also be a Pre-Event Day that takes place on June 7, 2012. There will be more happening on Day Two of the event than I can list here. These are just a few of events and classes that I think would be interesting. The Pre-Event Day, and Day One of the Southern California Genealogical Society SCGS Jamboree are packed with interesting and exciting things for genealogists to check out. Day Two is just as full. The SCGS … Continue reading

How Did They Do It?

Do you ever look back into your family history and wonder how your ancestors were able to do some of the things that they did? I have been thinking about that a lot this week in regards to my grandmother and my husband’s grandmother. As I experience the ins and outs that come with adjusting from being a mother of one to a mother of two, I wonder how my father’s mother was able to raise six children and my mother in law’s mother was able to raise seven. Large families were much more common during the time that my … Continue reading

Things Happening at SCGS Jamboree -Day One

The Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree will take place on June 8, June 9, and June 10 of 2012. This will be the forty-third annual SCGS Jamboree. Are you considering attending it? To help you decide, I have a short list of some of what will be happening on the first day of the Jamboree. Most genealogy events, or conferences, are packed with classes, presentations, and a plethora of other interesting things. The Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree is no exception. Just like on the Pre-Event day, the first day of the Jamboree will have more happening than I can … Continue reading

Things Happening at SCGS Jamboree – Pre-Event Day

The Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree takes place once a year. This year is the forty-third annual SCGS Jamboree. It will take place June 8, June 9, and June 10 of 2012. There will be a pre-event day happening on June 7, 2012. Here is what will be happening on the pre-event day. The SCGS Jamboree will not happen until June. However, they are offering an “Early Bird Discount” to anyone who registers to attend the Jamboree before April 23, 2012. In order to help you decide if this genealogy event is something you would like to attend, I will … Continue reading

What is the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree?

The Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree takes place once a year. For 2012, it will take place June 8, June 9, and June 10. There will also be a pre-event day happening on June 7, 2012. This is the Forty-Third annual SCGS Jamboree. Here are some things to know about this year’s Jamboree. The first thing you should know is that you don’t have to be a member of the Southern California Genealogical Society (SCGS) in order to be able to be able to attend the Jamboree. You can still attend, no matter what genealogical society you happen to belong … Continue reading